Monday, May 30, 2011

Reflaction about the course

In this course, there were many different type of material that I had studied and also that help the student to improve educational level like  listening, reading and writing and it helped me in different kind of English skills like writing and listening. In this course, I feel the course learned me many different types of writing and also my reading and my listening improved. Now I am finished from this course I feel it improved my skills in writing, listening and reading. In the writing, I learned to write about the pie graph and argument and i learned to write easier than before and now I can write the pie graph and argument in about 75 minute. In the listening, now what the speaker say clearly and understand each word that anyone says. in reading I can read anything such as newspaper, books and novels better than before add to that now when I am reading I understanding what it is about.

Thank you Mr. Gregory

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Graph/ Workers coming to Dubai

The graph shows change in the number of workers coming to Dubai between 1990 to 2006. Overall, there was a steep rise in the number of workers coming to Dubai.

The biggest change was in the number of Canadian workers. In 1990, there were almost 60 thousand workers coming to Dubai, but the Canadian workers were about only 10 thousand and 50 thousand from the United Kingdom. After four years, there was a sharp fall in United Kingdom workers coming to Dubai, the Canadian workers coming to Dubai were about 40 thousand and the United Kingdom about 70 thousand people. In the next three years, the Canadian workers and those from United Kingdom were equal at about 65 thousand. From 1997 to 2002, Canadian workers coming to Dubai continued to rise and it rose to about 85 thousand and the United Kingdom rose slightly to 70 thousand in 2002. Finally, there was a slight rise in Canadian workers in the 2004 and there was a increase from the United Kingdom. Lastly, the Canadian workers and United Kingdom workers ended a far equal level at about 90 thousands in 2006.

In conclusion, the Canadian and United Kingdom workers rose to 90 thousand in 2006. The Canada workers rose by about 80 thousand and the United Kingdom by rose about 50 thousand, in total.

Argument/ The examinations

There are many ways of assessment some of them are unfair like the examinations. However, I feel the examinations should be used at the HCT. In this essay I will look at the examinations and discuss both sides of the argument.

First let us look at why examinations are necessary. Many students believe that tests are fair because all students take the same test and are assessed equally. For example, student can have good mark in the exam if they have low mark in work at the classroom. A second point is that testing is good way to determine what students have learned in the course. For example, if students have a test they will study all lessons and review the information. Finally, testing will encourage students to work harder and will give them good feedback on their understanding of the subject.
Now let us look at why examinations are unfair and may not be such a good thing in support of the statement. I think the most important point is that examinations cause nervousness and testing doesn’t fulfill the purpose as students get lower grades because they feel unwell. The second point, why examinations are not a fair way of giving grades, since students should be graded on their classroom assignment. Finally, some exams are poorly written and culturally biased against non-western student. For example, some exams written by western teachers for western audiences are biased and non westerners will score lower due to this bias.
In conclusion, there are both side’s pros and cons about examinations. In my opinion, testing is good way to improve your grades and determine your level.

Argument/ Etisalat Censoring Websites

In many countries around the world, some of the telecommunications companies  block some websites and many of them are open, but in the United Arab Emirates Etesalat blocks internet access to websites deemed counter to the county’s morality standards. Some people believe that this kind of blocking some websites offers benefits for the community and others think that open websites will be better. This essay will examine the pars and cons of Etesalat blocks internet websites.
There are several arguments in favor of Etesalat blocking some websites. The first argument is some websites have violated the Islam faith. This is important to block it because they enter the wrong beliefs of the community. Another point, Etesalat blocks some websites because they give a wrong information and terminology to the people. Finally, these blocks can help the parents to give their children a computer and in other to keep the children away from sites not permissible.
However, there are many for more convincing arguments against block websites and there are some people who disagree with blocks on some websites. The first point, some websites must not be blocked because it is for entertainment venues and some websites for programs of computers. Yet another point, some blocked websites are to read some news and magazines. Finally, some websites broadcast channels that are encrypted.
In conclusion, people who agree with blocks on some websites have argument more than people who disagree. In my opinion, I agree with blocking some websites because they support the wrong beliefs of the community.

Words: 260

Graph/Visitors to Canada 1996 to 2006

The graph shows changes in the number of visitors to Canada from Spain and Japan between 1996 to 2006. Overall, there was sleep rise in the number of visitors to Canada from Spain but fewer from Japan.

The biggest change was in the number of visitors to Canada. In 1996, there was about 1150 in total visitors to Canada, but the number of Spanish visitors was only about 300 thousand, with 850 thousand from Japanese. After three years, there was sharp fall in visitor to Canada, the Spanish visitor number was about 650 thousand and Japanese visitors were still about 850 thousand people. In the next three years, the Spanish visitors and Japanese were equal at about 600 thousand. From 2000 to 2004, the number of Spanish visitors started to rise and it rose to about 700 thousand and the Japanese rose slightly to about 550 thousand in 2004. Finally, there was a slight rise in Spanish visitors in the 2006 and there was a decrease from the Japanese visitors to about the same level.

In conclusion, both the Spanish visitor numbers rose to 600 thousand and the Japanese visitors full to 600 thousand, after fluctuating over the entire decade from 1996 to 2006.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

5# Mobile phones- argument

There are a lot of drivers who drive while using mobile phones. However, sometimes drivers must use their mobile phones. In this easy I will look at using mobile while driving and discuss both sides of the argument.

First let us look at why using mobile while driving is dangerous. Many accidents are caused by mobile. For example, if drivers aren’t using the mobile, they will drive safely and then they will concentrate on their driving. Secondly, if illegal then police can stop people on the road. For example, if there is a law then police are able to enforce it and give people tickets. Finally, the traffic fines will help pay for traffic safety programs.

Now let us look at why using mobile while driving should be legal. I think the most important point is that you can stop and complete your call on side of the road. The second point, sometimes you have on important call and you not have headphone. Finally, businessmen need to talk on their phones while going to an appointment.

In conclusion, there are both sides, par and cons, regarding using mobile while driving. In my opinion, using mobile phone while driving is dangerous but people should be allowed to use mobiles because they have an important calls.

words : 214

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pie graph

The pie graph shows seven emiraties in the UAE by square kilometer. Overall, the total area us 77,700 square kilometer with Abu Dhabi making up the majoritly, Ajmen the minority.
Firstly, Abu Dhabi is largest of the UAE’s parts and cover around 67,000 square kilometers, which is over half of the total land area. Second in size is Dubia, which encompasses 5 percent of the country. The other five parts, Sharjah, Ras Al kahaimah, Fujairah, Umm AlQuain and Ajman, are much smaller than either Abu Dhabi or Dubai. They have areas of 2,590 square kilometers, 1684 square kilometers, 1165 square kilometers, 777 square kilometers and 259 square kilometers respectively. Together they make up 8.3 percent of the UAE.
In summery, Abu Dhabi is the largest emerate in the UAE with about 67000 square kilometers.

Words  : 138

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Table between three countries

This table provides information about three countries. The population of countries, longuage, land area, religion, leteracy rate, unemployment rate amd exports are given. Overall, they are more dissimiler.
First, Unites States registers the largest population of 295,834,134. Mexico registers the second largest population about 107,449,525 and the least in population is Canada at 33,098,932. Second, in both at United States and Canada the languages are English but also Canada speaks French and Mexico Spanish. United states and Canada have land areas of 9,629,091 and 9,220,970 sq,mi respectively, and are larger but Mexico with 1,923,039 is the least. The religions are very similar, all countries religions are Protestant and Roman Catholic. Also they are very similar inleterecy rates,  all there are above 90%. United States and Canada have some similarities in unemployment about 6 and the Maxico  has smallest  number in unemployment  under 3.5.There  are big differences between the three countries in exports . United States  exports agricutural products and industrial, the Canada exports are motor vechicles, industrial and machinery and Mexico exports  manufactured goods, silver, oil and vegetables.
In conclusion, the countries are more dissimilor, yet the United Stats and Canada are more similar. United stats have largest population and Maxico the smallest. All countries religions are similer.

Causes of obesity in the U.A.E

Obesity comes from eating fatty substances also not doing sports. Unfortunately, obesity is very dangerous. In this essay, I will outline some problems linked to obesity reasons and suggest some viable solutions.

Starting with the changes in diet that is once of biggest problems. To clarify, people who are obese frequently develop problems when the change their diet.Secondly, young people cannot eat outside the home. In fact, the young people eat outside more than they eat in the home because they stay out of the home for a longer time. A final issue is that obesity has become antisocial and some people lack knowledge about good eating habits.

Fortunately, there are remedies for this dangerous situation. One answer is to change your lifestyle. For example, obese people can do a diet, with some sports.Yet another alternative is to concentrate on healthy food and do not eat outside.Finally, the best solution is to educate people about healthy eating especially young people and show some TV programs about healthy eating.

To conclude, the best solutions of the problems and because it can address problems with solutions.
Words: 190

Monday, March 21, 2011

The leisure time spending in the UK

The two pie-charts show change in the leisure time spending in the UK by age group. Overall, the most money is spending on leisure produce electronic equipment and books, magazines.

The biggest leisure produces expenditure in the UK age group, between 20-30 age groups is on electronic equipment with 41%. This dropped to 38% in the age group between 50-60. Books and magazine rise from 16%in 20-30 age groups to 28% in 50-60 age group and the sports plunged from 20% in the younger group to 5% in the older an Sumer. Also the gardening spending rises from 7% in 20-30 age groups to 16% in 50-60 age groups. The percentage of other hobbies decreases from 11% in 20-30 age groups to 8% in 50-60 age groups. Only the photography produce percentage remained constant.

In conclusion, the percentage of leisure products spending on electronic equipment and sport is falling with age while the proportion of leisure products in books and magazines and gardening grows with age.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How oil is refined

Oil is a mixture of a lot of raw materials such as oils and bitumen, oil is extracted from underground after long research. Oil is extracted in several steps and I will write about the steps.
Firstly, oil is located underground and be detected by advanced devices by means of satellite. After that are drilled in region where then are oil so is pumped the oil via pipeline. Next, the oil is taken in the store and it is stored in storage tanks. After that, oil is refined into various products. Then patrol is stored in tank. Next, patrol is transported to patrol station. After that, patrol is stored in underground tanks. Finally petrol is pumped into car tanks.

Oil of great importance in life and we need to be carefully when we take it from underground to use. 

How firms choose new staff

Firms follow several steps to obtain new staff. There are the steps of firms follow it.

Firstly, the position is advertised in the media. After that, the applications are sorted. Next, unsuitable candidates are rejected. Fourthly, candidates are invited to attend interview and then they are interviewed. After that, a shortlist of suitable people is made and unsuccessful candidates are informed. After that, the remaining candidates are re-interviewed. Finally, the selection is made and the successful candidate is informed about the job.

Firms are following these steps in order to get new staff, and so several people are chosen to join the firm. 

Police chased

Last week, when I was in Abu Dhabi Mall I saw my friend there. Suddenly, I saw two men ran and the police officer chased them.

I was in Abu Dhabi Mall to meet my friend and I saw two men being chased by a police officer. Five minute before, I met my friend and I told him what I saw and he told me why the police officer chased these two men. He saw what happened, so the police officer chased to the two men because they tried to steal the gold from the shops but the shop owner warn in dealing with them and the shop owner had to inform the police officer without knowing the thieves, so the police officer were coming to the shop. But, the thieves were very clever and they saw the police officer coming to catch them. So the thieves ran out of the Abu Dhabi Mall and police tried to catch the thieves.

In conclusion, you must be careful when dealing with the thieves and you must inform the police if you have any problems with the thieves.  

Wrong Emial

Same people an email to wrong person by mistake. In this story I will tell you about how misspelling one letter led to a big misunderstanding.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonas celebrated their wedding anniversary with a break on the French Riviera and Mr. Jonas would fly out ahead to attend to some business, so he said good bye to his wife, when he arrived at the hotel he went to his room so he opened the window, and because the sun was hot, he had to go back inside. After that Mr. Jonas saw the laptop, and he decided to send an email to his wife, but he misspelled the address and sent the email to Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones and her son were in the graw yard because her husband died. When they went back to the house. Mrs.  Jones took the laptop to read the read the emails. So all emails were for consolations, but there was a strange email address. While her son was making a cup of tea, from reading the email, Mrs. Jones had a heart attack. So Mrs. Jones died.

Everyone must make sure the email address you went to send a message to before transmitter.