In many countries around the world, some of the telecommunications companies block some websites and many of them are open, but in the United Arab Emirates Etesalat blocks internet access to websites deemed counter to the county’s morality standards. Some people believe that this kind of blocking some websites offers benefits for the community and others think that open websites will be better. This essay will examine the pars and cons of Etesalat blocks internet websites.
There are several arguments in favor of Etesalat blocking some websites. The first argument is some websites have violated the Islam faith. This is important to block it because they enter the wrong beliefs of the community. Another point, Etesalat blocks some websites because they give a wrong information and terminology to the people. Finally, these blocks can help the parents to give their children a computer and in other to keep the children away from sites not permissible.
However, there are many for more convincing arguments against block websites and there are some people who disagree with blocks on some websites. The first point, some websites must not be blocked because it is for entertainment venues and some websites for programs of computers. Yet another point, some blocked websites are to read some news and magazines. Finally, some websites broadcast channels that are encrypted.
In conclusion, people who agree with blocks on some websites have argument more than people who disagree. In my opinion, I agree with blocking some websites because they support the wrong beliefs of the community.
Words: 260
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