Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How oil is refined

Oil is a mixture of a lot of raw materials such as oils and bitumen, oil is extracted from underground after long research. Oil is extracted in several steps and I will write about the steps.
Firstly, oil is located underground and be detected by advanced devices by means of satellite. After that are drilled in region where then are oil so is pumped the oil via pipeline. Next, the oil is taken in the store and it is stored in storage tanks. After that, oil is refined into various products. Then patrol is stored in tank. Next, patrol is transported to patrol station. After that, patrol is stored in underground tanks. Finally petrol is pumped into car tanks.

Oil of great importance in life and we need to be carefully when we take it from underground to use. 

How firms choose new staff

Firms follow several steps to obtain new staff. There are the steps of firms follow it.

Firstly, the position is advertised in the media. After that, the applications are sorted. Next, unsuitable candidates are rejected. Fourthly, candidates are invited to attend interview and then they are interviewed. After that, a shortlist of suitable people is made and unsuccessful candidates are informed. After that, the remaining candidates are re-interviewed. Finally, the selection is made and the successful candidate is informed about the job.

Firms are following these steps in order to get new staff, and so several people are chosen to join the firm. 

Police chased

Last week, when I was in Abu Dhabi Mall I saw my friend there. Suddenly, I saw two men ran and the police officer chased them.

I was in Abu Dhabi Mall to meet my friend and I saw two men being chased by a police officer. Five minute before, I met my friend and I told him what I saw and he told me why the police officer chased these two men. He saw what happened, so the police officer chased to the two men because they tried to steal the gold from the shops but the shop owner warn in dealing with them and the shop owner had to inform the police officer without knowing the thieves, so the police officer were coming to the shop. But, the thieves were very clever and they saw the police officer coming to catch them. So the thieves ran out of the Abu Dhabi Mall and police tried to catch the thieves.

In conclusion, you must be careful when dealing with the thieves and you must inform the police if you have any problems with the thieves.  

Wrong Emial

Same people an email to wrong person by mistake. In this story I will tell you about how misspelling one letter led to a big misunderstanding.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonas celebrated their wedding anniversary with a break on the French Riviera and Mr. Jonas would fly out ahead to attend to some business, so he said good bye to his wife, when he arrived at the hotel he went to his room so he opened the window, and because the sun was hot, he had to go back inside. After that Mr. Jonas saw the laptop, and he decided to send an email to his wife, but he misspelled the address and sent the email to Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones and her son were in the graw yard because her husband died. When they went back to the house. Mrs.  Jones took the laptop to read the read the emails. So all emails were for consolations, but there was a strange email address. While her son was making a cup of tea, from reading the email, Mrs. Jones had a heart attack. So Mrs. Jones died.

Everyone must make sure the email address you went to send a message to before transmitter.