Monday, May 30, 2011

Reflaction about the course

In this course, there were many different type of material that I had studied and also that help the student to improve educational level like  listening, reading and writing and it helped me in different kind of English skills like writing and listening. In this course, I feel the course learned me many different types of writing and also my reading and my listening improved. Now I am finished from this course I feel it improved my skills in writing, listening and reading. In the writing, I learned to write about the pie graph and argument and i learned to write easier than before and now I can write the pie graph and argument in about 75 minute. In the listening, now what the speaker say clearly and understand each word that anyone says. in reading I can read anything such as newspaper, books and novels better than before add to that now when I am reading I understanding what it is about.

Thank you Mr. Gregory

1 comment:

  1. Tareq:

    Looks ok- the word is 'reflection' so change your
    title. (tell AbdullSalem too!)

    THe Fox
